Monday, March 31, 2008

Update Log

Hey everybody - now that pretty much everything is up here, I'm going to use this post as my update log. That way you don't have to scroll through everything and compare it to the last time you were here :-D

Mar 29 - Drivenstein Build Report: Pictures and Description
Mar 08 - Added Pulsor Sound Sample!
Feb 23 - Added Sound Samples of the TriceraRocks
Feb 22 - Added the TriceraRocks Pedal Pictures and description
Feb 18 - Added the TS Ultimate Sound Sample

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Drivenstein Distortion

This pedal is the Frankenstein of Distortion pedals, we've used sections from a variety of your favorite pedals (and amps) to create a pedal with a life of it's own!

Check out the rest of the pictures here.

It's got 6 Knobs and a 3-way selectable switch!
Top Row (EQ): High (L), Mid (C), Low (R)
Bottom Row: Volume (L), Saturation (C), Drive (R)
3-way Toggle Switch: LED Clipping (C), Asymm Clipping (Up), Combo Clipping (Down)

This pedal took me a while to get around to building, mostly because I was worried I wouldn't like it. Well let's put that worry to rest right now. It rocks.

The build went really smoothly, I wired up all of the pots and switch outside the enclosure, and then soldered in the in/out wires from the board to the on/off switch - that made it really easy to get everything connected. It worked the first time I fired it up, all except for the down position of the toggle switch. I quickly realized that the way I had originally wired it, I was grounding out the signal, so I made a quick fix and it worked marvelously!

The toggle switch toggles between three clipping settings. The first is the LED post gain stage setting. It's the loudest because LED's clip at a higher voltage than the other diodes I used, and they also clip "harder" so the sound is edgier. The Assymetrical Silicon Diodes post gain stage is the next, and it sounds awesome, but clips a LOT more, and is softer because it clips at a lower voltage. The final setting is BOTH the LED's clipping and asymmetrical clipping diodes in the gain stage of the pedal. This makes for a crazy combination, and sounds really hard.

This pedal in general sounds really hard, but with the 3-band EQ it's easy to get the sound you're looking for.

Sound Samples:
1 - Drivenstein Volume, Sustain and Drive knob Demo
2 - Drivenstein 3-band EQ Demo
3 - Drivenstein Clipping Switch Demo